Good day every one,
As you certainly know, we are now rebranding DCNM 11 to Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller, consequently, NDFC 12 is the new acronym to automate and operate NX-OS based fabrics
It is not just about changing the name, there are several significant changes with NDFC 12.
Just to list few of them:
- Enhanced Topology View
- Ability to modify switch discovery IP
- Flexible CLI option – config profile or native NXOS CLI
- Performance Programmable reports
- Granular RBAC
- Secure POAP User
- Simplified and flexible Image Management
- Server Smart Licensing
- Automate IOS-XR configuration
- Automate VXLAN EVPN fabric deployment with Cat9k
One of the key evolution in regard to NDFC is that it now joins the ecosystem of services that runs natively on top of the common Nexus dashboard platform.

One of the key advantages for the network operators with this evolution, is that they just need a single experience, it doesn’t really matter what application you run, from the installation process to the common Web GUI. All applications or services look with the same logic behind any requests.
You have a single pane of glass which is the Nexus dashboard platform through which the end-user can consume different applications for the daily operations. The goal is to simplify and align all Apps into the same platform to make the day 2 ops easier.
For those of you who’ve seen other services like Nexus Dashboard Insights (NDI) or the Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator (NDO), you can now see Nexus dashboard Fabric Controller with the same look and feel, such as the icons, the meaning of the colors, the filters, the navigation panel etc, to just list few. It’s fully unified with the same components for the Web UI.
Thus, for the end-user perspective, you get the same look and feel regardless of what service interfaces your use.
I’ve compiled this short video below to give you a quick overview of the new Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller.
Enjoy and feel free to comment or ask questions
Thank you